Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day Two: Maunawili Hike

On Tuesday we hiked Maunawili Falls. "It's so muddy" was the most common expression heard from the kids. The hike, although difficult, was very fun and gave us a lot of good exercise. We had to cross the stream at one point and the water was like air conditioning for our feet. Some of the kids really pushed forward and even beat the middle schoolers to the falls. A bunch of the kids took their time and enjoyed looking around at all the trees and other plants. There was a lot of slipping and sliding and we all ended up pretty muddy. Thank goodness we packed clean footwear for the bus!

A few of the kids crossing the stream.

            Our view as we were walking.

Ava and Carson taking a snack break along the stream.

            Some of the foliage we encountered on our hike.

Half of the class along with Kumu Tamashiro at the bottom of the stream.

Some of our kids pose with the beautiful             mountains behind them.

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